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Access to the WebCMS

To gain access to the WebCMS you must successfully complete mandatory web authoring training. You can then submit the WebCMS Access Request Authorisation form, approved by your Professional Service Director or School Dean, to the Digital Marketing, Experience and Analytics team.

Access levels

There are two types of WebCMS access:

  • 'Author' access allows you to create, edit and delete web content; and
  • 'Approver' access includes the above rights, with the addition of publishing.

'Author' is the preferred access level for all new web authors.

Access granted

Your access will generally be granted within 2-5 days of submitting the authorisation form. A member of the Digital Marketing, Experience and Analytics team will contact you and provide instructions to help you get started.

Becoming an Approver

To become an Approver with permission to publish web content, you'll need to complete a new WebCMS Access Request Authorisation form, signed by your Professional Service Director or School Dean, and send this to the Digital Marketing, Experience and Analytics team.

Check your access level

If you would like to check your level of access, or if you would like to know who else in your business area has access to author and approve web content changes, please contact the Digital Marketing, Experience and Analytics team via email at

Previewing 'Under-construction' web content

The WebCMS Content Preview System allows staff members who aren't web authors to preview 'Under-construction' web content within the WebCMS. You don’t need access to the WebCMS for this.

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