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Dual and Joint Degree Programs

ECU aspires to become a leader in international student education and to be recognised for our international enterprise. With partnerships globally, ECU is able to offer unique opportunities such as our dual and joint degrees.

Dual Degrees

University of Portsmouth (UK)

Thanks to a partnership between the University of Portsmouth in the UK and Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia, students can start a course in one country and travel to another for a year of study before completing the course back home. And they'll pick up a unique international dual degree!

The two universities have drawn on their individual strengths to create some unique courses that commenced in 2022.

Apart from a chance to expand their life experience and travel and live overseas, students will also be awarded two separate degrees in a shorter time than it would take for you to complete the two degrees consecutively.

How does it work?

ECU students complete the first two years of their course in Perth – before spending a further year on an international exchange at the University of Portsmouth in the UK.

They return home to complete the fourth year; final semester or year of study.

For the six courses that are offered for 2024, two can be completed over 3.5 years of full-time study while the other 4 courses will take you 4 years full-time.

What courses are available?

There are currently seven dual degrees on offer for study;

Joint Degrees

Tokyo City University (Japan)

The new joint degree has been designed and developed in partnership with Tokyo City University (TCU) to prepare students to explore global environmental problems and initiatives and to contribute to a sustainable society. Course curriculum has been developed and mapped in consultation between the two Universities.

ECU students enrolling in this course will be required to complete one semester of study on location at TCU in Japan, and TCU students will complete one semester of study on location at ECU’s Joondalup campus, Perth, Australia. Students will also have the option of completing a 2-week internship in Japan as part of their course. In the final semester, students will complete research-based units through the partner university remotely from their home university, supported by home university staff.

This joint degree program has received Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) approval and funding through the ‘Creation of Inter-University Exchanges in the Indo-Pacific Region’ program. All students will have access to MEXT funding to cover travel and accommodation for their exchange semester. This funding is applicable for a 3 year period.

What courses are available?

There is currently only one joint degree on offer for study in 2024.

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