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Critical Incidents

A critical incident is an event that poses a significant risk to the continuity of core University-wide operations. This level of incident may also have implications at the local, state, or national level. Incidents occurring at ECU will vary and any impact will depend upon the geographical location, the potential to cause harm to people and the environment, and any economic or reputational impact upon the University.

Incidents at ECU are categorised into one of three levels depending upon the level of support and resources required to manage the outcome.

Incident Levels

For further information, see the:
Critical Incident and Business Continuity Management Guidelines and Critical Incident Management Plan.

Emergency procedures have been formulated to meet the requirements of Australian Standard AS3745-2010-Planning for Emergencies in Facilities. Security and Traffic Services on each campus manages the implementation of these practices and procedures. For specific information about responding to an emergency, refer to the Digital and Campus Services’ emergency management guidelines web page.

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