Research suggests that the opportunity for learning and development is one of the top five considerations when searching for a new employer.
ECU’s value of Personal Excellence supports a culture of continual learning. Throughout your career journey you will be able to participate in personal, professional and career development opportunities. Whether you are an academic or professional staff member, your line manager can help you to map a development plan relevant to your needs throughout each stage of your career. Figure 1 sets out the ECU career journey.
Browse through this website to see learning and development opportunities which may be relevant at each stage of your employment.
Management for Performance System
The Management for Performance System is the vehicle in which development needs are discussed and planned between the staff member and manager. The MS Online Tool, available in the Staff Kiosk, allows staff to develop a Review and Development Plan. It prompts staff to consider their career aspirations and development needs. A list of scheduled sessions is available as well as room to record other relevant development opportunities. In this way development plans are agreed upon as part of the years Review and Development Plan.
The Staff Learning Management System
This is a website within the Learning Intranet which lists all available internal scheduled workshops. By clicking on the title you will open a window with a description of the course. You can also see all the scheduled dates and locations available. By clicking on the “nominate” link you will be seamlessly directed to the Staff Kiosk where after login will automatically take you to the correct page to enrol. There are various ways to browse the Staff Development Portal which will be shown on the left hand side of the home page.
All ECU employees can use the new LMS to view and enrol in training and professional development opportunities and track progression through the courses. It’s hosted by ELMO and also allows you to record non-ECU professional development through an External Training Portal.
Newly developed required training and some recommended training courses are now available in the LMS. And, you can peruse the Course Catalogue to see a succinct list of all course offerings.
Keep an eye on your email for notifications about mandatory role-based trainings.
Researcher Training Workshops and Events
Researcher development opportunities offered across ECU and from external providers are listed on the Training Workshops and Events calendar. This calendar lists training specifically developed for staff and students engaged in research, including HDR Supervisor Training, skills training workshops, social and networking events. These workshops and events are not listed in the above-mentioned Staff Development Portal, but compliment this suite of offerings.
ECU’s Researcher Professional Development Framework (RPDF) and Training Workshops and Events calendar can help inform effective career development and mentoring conversations. Researchers, HDR Supervisors and Managers are encouraged to review the Researcher Professional Development Framework or contact for more information on relevant researcher professional development opportunities.