Admissions - assessing all applicants for entry to ECU courses according to the Admissions Framework;
Enrolments - new student enrolments and current student re-enrolments;
Course Information - provide course informationand advice including the preparation of course planners and assistance withunit selection;
Maintaining student records and systems support;
Assessment and examinations logistics and results administration;
Enquiries - handling student enquiries and managing ECU-wide enquiries;
Off-campus student support - assistance with online studies and other facilities for students unable to attend a campus;
Financial management - administration of student fees, loans and scholarships;
Student counselling - providing support for students with personal issuesimpacting on their studies;
Careers and leadership services - provide a broad range of career resources and servicesincluding CareerHub, workshops and student appointments as well as volunteeringand mentoring opportunities to assist students in becoming an ECU job readygraduate;
Health and medical services - providing psychosocial and physical health support to encourage optimal academic performance;
Student Connect - Supporting students to negotiate university life, offering one-on-one appointments to develop action plans designed to assist students to achieve success in their studies at ECU;
Addressing issues relating to student equity, diversity and disability services; and
Multifaith chaplaincy - supporting spirituality and seeking to create an inclusive community by valuing and respecting our various faiths and traditions.
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