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Don't forget to keep Centrelink updated on your enrolment

Monday, 24 March 2025


If you're getting Youth Allowance, Austudy, or Abstudy you need keep Centrelink up to date with any changes in your circumstances.

Here's five scenarios where you need inform Centrelink with 14 days to avoid owing money.

1. You drop a subject

If you’ve dropped a subject, it might mean you’re no longer studying full time. To get a student payment, you usually need to be studying full time. This is at least 75% of the equivalent full time study load. Check on your student portal what your equivalent full time study load (EFTSL) is.

2. You stop studying

You must be studying at an approved education provider or doing an Australian Apprenticeship to get any of these payments:

  • Youth Allowance as a student or Australian Apprentice
  • Austudy

If you leave uni, even for a trimester or semester, Centrelink need to know. This may mean you’re no longer eligible for a student payment and you’ll need to apply for a different payment.

3. You change your course or place of study

If you’ve changed courses you need to let Centrelink know. While you might be at the same uni, we consider this a new course for your student payment. This can affect how long you can get a student payment from us.

4. You change your place of study

Tell Centrelink if you’ve changed where you study. You might be doing a course which has the same name but you’re doing it at a different education provider.

You still need to let Centrelink know. This includes if you do part of your course overseas.

5. You have any other change of circumstances

Other than changes to your study, you need to tell Centrelink if other things in your life change.
For instance:

  • you start work, change your work hours or stop work
  • you move house
  • you start living with someone in a relationship
  • you have a child, or start taking care of a child
  • your partner starts or stops working
  • your parents or guardians have changes to their income.

Find out how to do it at the Department of Human Services, and get more information on student payments.


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