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What is sponsorship?

Sponsorship means full or partial payment of tuition fees by an external sponsor (e.g. employer, foreign government)

Sponsorship by an organisation outside ECU must be formally arranged with the Student Fees Office in order for the organisation to be invoiced directly for your tuition fees.

Your sponsor may nominate to pay your tuition fees for an entire teaching period, particular units of study or for a particular amount or percentage of the tuition fee.

As a sponsored student, invoices for tuition fees will then be forwarded directly to your sponsor.

The invoice issued to your sponsor will include:

  • your name
  • student ID
  • course and unit details and;
  • the cost of each unit in which you are enrolled in the particular teaching period

How do I arrange a Sponsor Invoice?

For sponsorship of tuition fees by an ECU School, please contact your School directly.

Domestic students

  • You must complete and return the External Sponsorship Authority Form

Please note, by submitting a completed form, you are also authorising your sponsor access to your student fee record relating to the periods of sponsorship

  • Written acknowledgment is required from the sponsor indicating the organisation details including contact person and contact details in addition to the period and/or amount the sponsorship covers
  • The sponsor must ensure all the tuition fees are paid by the due date indicated on the invoice/s

International students

  • You must provide a valid financial guarantee to the fees office issued by your sponsor

Please note, by submitting a valid financial guarantee, you are also authorising your sponsor access to your student fee record relating to the periods of sponsorship

  • ECU must approve your nominated sponsor for payment


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